Saturday, July 23, 2011

Staying Focused

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it 
into small jobs.
-Henry Ford

It's really easy to get negative. The news is full of pessimism, our friends are depressed, our parents are in need of more care and support, our kids always in need money. For those feeling like the filling in a sandwich- squeezed on all sides- what to do? Take a break from the barrage of down information.


I say, stay focused - on your vision, on what's working, where you want to go. Set SMART goals which are written and posted where you can look at them. I have my goals on the wall next to my computer where I can see them daily.

Ask yourself:

What do I want to accomplish this week? 
How does this fit into my vision?
What actions must I take?
What resources do I need?
How will I measure success?

Be sure your goals are SMART
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

Read more about writing SMART goals: 

Goals are dreams with deadlines. -Diana Scharf Hunt

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