Monday, December 12, 2016

Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem. A name synonymous with the women’s liberation movement. A woman who put feminism into the mainstream of American culture. A woman who gave other women a voice, a way to say, “I am woman, hear me roar!” (To borrow from Helen Reddy)
Gloria Steinem is 82. Ms. (she gave us that too) Steinem is as vital as ever. She most certainly has not retired as an activist. She recently published another book, My Life on the Road, about her travels. She continues to be a true force in the community. A consummate New Yorker, Ms. Steinem is currently working to transform the former Bayview Correctional Facility in Manhattan into a hub for organizations serving girls and women.
To give you a typical day I must quote the recent NYT article, lest I miss something. “She had things to do. There was a Yazidi woman, Nadia Murad Basee Taha, who was trafficked by the Islamic State, to interview for Viceland, and a promo for a Ms. Foundation fund-raiser to tape. She had to prepare for a talk at the United Jewish Appeal and a local news segment about the Women’s Media Center. She continued on her way.” *
We can all still take inspiration from Gloria Steinem. As ever, she is a remarkable woman doing remarkable work. Perhaps, your brand of remarkable isn't creating a revolution, starting organizations, or even writing bestsellers, but no matter your age you can definitely make a difference. You can volunteer, find ways for your company to give back to the community, or perhaps you want to see if you can work with Ms. Steinem in her new girl’s and women’s center. Like Ms. Steinem, you keep going.
* New York Times, October 9, 2016, on page MB1 of the New York edition with the headline: Gloria Steinem Never Stops.