Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Embracing Change

Once you have decided where your heart and values lead, you may decide to make a major change in your life.  Change can be a fresh and exciting experience.  As Boomers, most of us have gone through one or more life changes. Some of the changes we’ve made have been life-enhancing, opening up new opportunities and experiences.  But there may have been times when we rushed into change too quickly, without thinking ahead. We hadn’t considered the potential impact on our financial, social and emotional lives.  

It’s true that embracing change is easier when you’ve had good experiences with it in the past.  But every change, even a challenging one, can be seen as a learning experience. And as a Boomer, you can use what the past has taught you to guide you into the future.  Choosing a new direction in life, whether it be entering into a new relationship, becoming an entrepreneur,  moving to a different location or changing your lifestyle, involves making a plan. 

The first step in any plan is to gather information.   After all, you wouldn’t take a trip, especially to a place you haven’t been before, without doing some research.  For example: Would it be better to drive, or to travel by train or plane and how much would it cost?  Where could I stay? What is the weather like at the time I plan to be there? 

What information do you need as a first step towards putting your plan into action? How would you get it.  Think about it.